

a few quick updates...

My sincerest apologies for not posting anything since June 22nd! (Thanks to Blogger for the reminder.)

I had little inspiration last week. I worked, worked, worked, and attempted catching up on television. I did nothing last week, I was seriously broke before my getting my paycheck, so that added to having nothing to write about.

I do have some events coming up, like concerts, movies, out-of-town visits, and moving, so I'll have more to write up in the coming weeks. The Emmy nominations will officially be announced in less than two weeks (13 days!), and based on my post about who I would likely nominate...well, I'll be having a lot to write about. (I know the television I watch has little to no chance of being nominated.)

From this past Sunday to yesterday, I was up North visiting my ONTD/Twitter buddy Rachel (go visit her blog!). I took many pictures and will be doing 2-3 posts on it over the next few days! I should have the first part of my trip up later today, so look out for that!

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